Laboratoire de recherche en économie (EA 7263)

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Sandrine Lardic
Mél :

EDEHN - Université du Havre
25, rue Philippe Lebon
76063 Le Havre cedex


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Publication : Environment and Development Economics

par Zouhair Ait Benhamou - publié le

Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu,Martin Henseler, Ramos Mabugu & Helene Maisonnave.
The analysis uses a dynamic computable general equilibrium model operationalised using a social accounting matrix coupled with a greenhouse gas balance and emissions data.

Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu, Martin Henseler, Ramos Mabugu & Helene Maisonnave.
This paper offers a quantitative assessment of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown and government fiscal plan, containing ‘green’ elements on the economy and the environment of South Africa. The analysis uses a dynamic computable general equilibrium model operationalised using a social accounting matrix coupled with a greenhouse gas balance and emissions data. We find that while the economy is harshly impacted by the pandemic in the short term, the government fiscal package ameliorates and cushions the negative effects on poor households. Importantly, an adaptation of the fiscal package towards a ‘greener’ policy achieves the same economic outcome and reduces unemployment. Carbon dioxide emissions decrease in the short run due to economic slowdown. This improvement persists until 2030. These results can be used as decision support for policy makers on how to orient the post COVID-19 policies to be pro-poor and pro-environment, and thus, ‘build back better and fairer’.

Voir en ligne : The impact of the COVID-19 enforced lockdown and fiscal package on the South African economy and environment : a preliminary analysis