Laboratoire de recherche en économie (EA 7263)

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Sandrine Lardic
Mél :

EDEHN - Université du Havre
25, rue Philippe Lebon
76063 Le Havre cedex


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Publication : Environmental Modeling & Assessment

par Zouhair Ait Benhamou - publié le

Microplastic pollution in soils is a recent environmental problem and the lack of knowledge about the impacts and the extent of the problem are raising questions and concerns among researchers and politicians. Using a normative simulation model, we assess the extent of microplastic pollution in German agricultural soils originating from the land application of sewage sludge and compost.

Microplastic pollution in soils is a recent environmental problem and the lack of knowledge about the impacts and the extent of the problem are raising questions and concerns among researchers and politicians. Using a normative simulation model, we assess the extent of microplastic pollution in German agricultural soils originating from the land application of sewage sludge and compost.

Voir en ligne : Microplastic Pollution in Agricultural Soils and Abatement Measures – a Model-Based Assessment for Germany