Laboratoire de recherche en économie (EA 7263)

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Sandrine Lardic
Mél :

EDEHN - Université du Havre
25, rue Philippe Lebon
76063 Le Havre cedex


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Publication : Economic Modelling

par Zouhair Ait Benhamou - publié le

This study examines gender gaps and food security in a climate disaster context.
Local food availability is reduced resulting in increased agricultural imports.
Employment falls and domestic burdens increase, affecting welfare and food access.
Food poverty increases, with women in the highland region being the hardest hit.
Gender must be integrated into climate disaster analysis and prevention policies.

Throughout Bolivia, the vulnerability of women and men to the impact of climate disasters is unequal owing to regional and gender-related differences. Given the diversity of the Bolivian landscape, we analyze a scenario in which specific regional damage occurs in different economic sectors owing to adverse climatic events. Therefore, using a gendered macro–micro model, we present an ex-post analysis of climate disaster-induced damages to food security and women’s food poverty that occurred between 2013 and 2014. The simulation reveals negative impacts on the Bolivian economy, particularly on agriculture. Food availability is reduced, food prices increase, and the household’s economic capacity to access food decreases. Consequently, food insecurity and poverty worsen, with female-headed households bearing the brunt of the burden. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate a negative impact on employment and increased domestic burdens, particularly among women in the highlands. These results suggest the importance of gender mainstreaming in climate disaster analysis and prevention policies.

Voir en ligne : Impacts of climate disasters on women and food security in Bolivia